Most women have insecurities about how they look and what is known as female hair loss is becoming more common every day. Hair thinning and loss in women is often a medical condition, but it also can be genetic. Trauma is another way that the condition can become an issue for a woman.
The most common condition for female loss of hair is known as androgenetic alopecia. This is the form of loss of hair that has genetics as its source. It is being seen more and more and women are reacting to it in different ways. A recent study showed that 2-23% of cases with loss of hair was found in a study of 1,000 that was targeted at women age 20-60. It increased in women from the ages of 60-80.
Regardless of the female hair loss causes, there are plenty of solutions for women available. As much as it is a worrisome condition, it can be treated. But before a doctor will recommend treatment, it is necessary for him to find the condition that caused it. Most doctors will not engage in treatment without a diagnosis first that consist of laboratory tests.
First, it is important to recognize there are three different types of hair thinning and balding conditions. Unlike men, hair loss in women commonly follows three different patterns. (1) Thinning on top of head; (2) thinning and patchy areas; (3) more serious like male pattern baldness.
Because of the different ways women excessive hair thinning, it has to be determined if the underlying condition responsible is medical. Then there is another cause and the loss caused by this condition is called Traction Alopecia. This can be caused when women engage in corn rows and braiding that is too tight which destroys the follicles in the hair.
Another female hair loss cause could be due to Scarring Alopecia, where the hair follicles are scarred through an inflammatory disorder. The treatment for this type of loss is obviously different than the treatment for Traction Alopecia or Androgenic Alopcia.
There are also women who pluck at their hair. This is a condition known as Trichotillomania and is more of a mental condition which would obviously result in treatments by therapists rather than surgeons.
There are more female hair loss causes. Most conditions of hair thinning and loss is treatable once the correct diagnosis is made. The best approach is to get started with finding a doctor or hair specialist for help. You can also browse the net to get informed about the various treatments available. There are more resources in the sites below.
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