Human head hair usually grows at a rate of approximately half an inch each month with each hair growing for anywhere between 2 and 6 years. At the end of this growing period, the hair will enter its resting phase and fall out, usually to be replaced by a fresh new hair from the same follicle.
This cycle of hair growth, rest and fall followed by regeneration continues throughout life or until something happens to interrupt or halt the process.
There are a number of quite common reasons why women experience either temporary or sometimes, permanent hair loss. These include female pattern baldness, stress, hormonal changes, malnutrition and chronic illness.
Female Pattern Baldness
An increasingly common cause of hair loss in women, this affliction affects approximately one quarter of the female population. It is an inherited condition and can be traced to either the mother or the father, although it is more likely to occur, if both parents carry the baldness gene.
Baldness resulting from female pattern baldness or Androgenetic, sometimes Androgenic Alopecia, does not occur suddenly, as it may do in the case of trauma or severe stress. It is a gradual thing, resulting in the hair thinning, not in patches as with males, but all over the scalp. The result is that over time, a woman's scalp can be seen, through her remaining hair, which appears much thinner.
Many Doctors and Trichologists, cite stress as a contributing factor to female hair loss. In situations of high stress, certain chemicals such as adrenaline are released into the blood stream, which can adversely affect the sensitive hair follicles and lead to instances of hair loss. This stress related hair loss is usually temporary however and normal hair growth generally resumes, a few months after the stressful situation has passed.
Hormonal changes
Though the actual causes of female hair loss have not yet been properly identified, they are thought to be aligned with changing hormone levels, particularly those of the male sex hormone testosterone, which is also present in females.
During a woman's life many hormonal changes will occur and inevitably, the hormonal balance is upset. An upset of this nature may be triggered by childbirth, after abortion or through miscarriage. The body sees these as very similar occurrences and cannot distinguish between them. Many of these instances will result in thinning/shedding but it is reassuring to note, that in most cases, there is an effective treatment.
Chronic illness or major surgery
Chronic illnesses or major surgery can also affect the growing cycle and condition of women's hair. This is because the growth of hair is seen as a non-essential use of energy.
In situations where the body has to react to chronic illness and major surgery, some non-essential drains on energy resources are temporarily suspended or slowed; hair growth is sometimes affected in this way.
Sometimes the medication used to treat a patient will result in thinning/shedding. Patients suffering from depression, heart problems, arthritis and high blood pressure can experience this, as can those taking some forms of birth control and undergoing chemotherapy.
Another common cause of hair loss in women is malnutrition. Faddy diets that are low in protein will, in time, cause the body to preserve what protein it has and not "waste" it, on the growth of hair. This will move the hair prematurely to the Telogen or resting stage after which it will fall out.
Female Hair Loss - If you are suffering from women's hair loss, stress related hair loss, female pattern hair loss or Alopecia the sooner the problem is diagnosed and addressed, the better results you will get from treatment. Contact us today to arrange your free hair loss diagnosis in central London.