Go through Some Causes of Hair Loss in Women far more

While men and women do both have problems with hair loss it is the women who seem to suffer the most. Not only is it more of an emotional issue with women but as well they actually tend to lose more hair when they have a hair loss problem than the man do. When there is a woman who is dealing with hair loss they need to not sit around and expect an answer to show up. Waiting is the worst thing that anyone with a hair loss problem could do.

No woman can successfully determine which treatment is going to be best for her however until learning what the causes for women are in her case. There are quite a few different causes that are possible. Working with a health care provider is the best thing to do here because they are going to be able to perform a few tests and help women to figure out what is causing it through process of elimination. They will take a few tests and help determine what the cause is.

Doctors say that the most common cause of this condition in women as well as in men is stress. Women have so much to worry about and take care of these days that this is not a surprising conclusion. Most women watch the kids but also have at least a part time job and so it is not surprising that the rates of stress among women have skyrocketed over the past few years. The bad news is that there is a hair loss problem but the good news is that if it is due to stress, chances are that the problem can be dealt with quite easily. When the stress is relieved, the hair should return.

Medication can be the cause of this condition in women as well. Many women are taking medication for one reason or another and this is often an experienced symptom. In some cases it is just because the woman is not responding properly to the drug or it could just be that it is causing too much internal stress on her body.. They should never just abruptly stop taking medication. These are just a few of the various different causes of this problem that should be considered and by finding out the cause a proper route for treatment can be decided upon.

Hair Loss Causes

If you are suffering from hair loss then check out this great blog about Sudden Hair Loss [http://www.causesofsuddenhairloss.com/several-causes-of-sudden-hair-loss.php] which is full of great resources and articles about hair loss problems in both men and women.

Some Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Go through Hair Loss - Vitamin D additional

One interesting vitamin that get produced in the skin from direct exposure to the sun figures as another nutrient that helps prevent hair loss. Vitamin D aids in the regulation of calcium metabolism for stronger bones. It is an essential nutrient for growing kids whose calcium requirements for healthy bones can be significant in their growing years.

Most of our vitamin D requirement is produced by the skin when exposed to the sun. Some foods do contain the vitamin like cod liver oil, salmon, cereals and dairy products.

1. Vitamin D in baldness

No scientific studies have yet to show any direct relationship between hair growth and vitamin D. But observations suggest that a deficiency in it results in rickets which can lead to baldness. In addition, lab studies with mice deprived of vitamin D result in complete body hair loss.

Some experts believe that a deficiency in the vitamin when coupled with deficiencies in the fatty acids that convert cholesterol into useful "good" cholesterol, baldness can occur. While lack of vitamin D has not be proven to result in hair loss, having the right levels can help maintain normal hair growth which is what is needed to neutralize excessive hair loss.

2. Vitamin D Risks

Vitamin D is another fat-soluble vitamin that is not easily excreted by the body when there's too much of it. It is fat-soluble and gets stored together with excess fat and is known to exhibit toxicity levels that can harm the health of adults. Weight loss can result and even hair loss. Vitamin D over production can get phosphate and excess calcium deposited in some organs like the kidneys and other soft tissues that can result in calcinosis.

It is rare that a person gets to overdose on vitamin D unless he eats a lot of cod liver oil. Even over exposure to the sun doesn't result in vitamin overproduction in the skin since the skin's melanin content regulates vitamin D production.

Hair Loss

If you are looking for more information about Hair Loss Vitamins , visit us at 10hairloss.com now!

Hair Loss - Vitamin D

Examine Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women more

Hair Loss Causes

Human head hair usually grows at a rate of approximately half an inch each month with each hair growing for anywhere between 2 and 6 years. At the end of this growing period, the hair will enter its resting phase and fall out, usually to be replaced by a fresh new hair from the same follicle.

This cycle of hair growth, rest and fall followed by regeneration continues throughout life or until something happens to interrupt or halt the process.

There are a number of quite common reasons why women experience either temporary or sometimes, permanent hair loss. These include female pattern baldness, stress, hormonal changes, malnutrition and chronic illness.

Female Pattern Baldness

An increasingly common cause of hair loss in women, this affliction affects approximately one quarter of the female population. It is an inherited condition and can be traced to either the mother or the father, although it is more likely to occur, if both parents carry the baldness gene.

Baldness resulting from female pattern baldness or Androgenetic, sometimes Androgenic Alopecia, does not occur suddenly, as it may do in the case of trauma or severe stress. It is a gradual thing, resulting in the hair thinning, not in patches as with males, but all over the scalp. The result is that over time, a woman's scalp can be seen, through her remaining hair, which appears much thinner.


Many Doctors and Trichologists, cite stress as a contributing factor to female hair loss. In situations of high stress, certain chemicals such as adrenaline are released into the blood stream, which can adversely affect the sensitive hair follicles and lead to instances of hair loss. This stress related hair loss is usually temporary however and normal hair growth generally resumes, a few months after the stressful situation has passed.

Hormonal changes

Though the actual causes of female hair loss have not yet been properly identified, they are thought to be aligned with changing hormone levels, particularly those of the male sex hormone testosterone, which is also present in females.

During a woman's life many hormonal changes will occur and inevitably, the hormonal balance is upset. An upset of this nature may be triggered by childbirth, after abortion or through miscarriage. The body sees these as very similar occurrences and cannot distinguish between them. Many of these instances will result in thinning/shedding but it is reassuring to note, that in most cases, there is an effective treatment.

Chronic illness or major surgery

Chronic illnesses or major surgery can also affect the growing cycle and condition of women's hair. This is because the growth of hair is seen as a non-essential use of energy.

In situations where the body has to react to chronic illness and major surgery, some non-essential drains on energy resources are temporarily suspended or slowed; hair growth is sometimes affected in this way.

Sometimes the medication used to treat a patient will result in thinning/shedding. Patients suffering from depression, heart problems, arthritis and high blood pressure can experience this, as can those taking some forms of birth control and undergoing chemotherapy.


Another common cause of hair loss in women is malnutrition. Faddy diets that are low in protein will, in time, cause the body to preserve what protein it has and not "waste" it, on the growth of hair. This will move the hair prematurely to the Telogen or resting stage after which it will fall out.

Female Hair Loss - If you are suffering from women's hair loss, stress related hair loss, female pattern hair loss or Alopecia the sooner the problem is diagnosed and addressed, the better results you will get from treatment. Contact us today to arrange your free hair loss diagnosis in central London.

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Study Common Causes of Hair Loss in Teenage Girls extra

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Teenage Girls

Female Hair Loss Causes

Female Hair Loss Causes

Hair loss among teenage girls is becoming more prevalent, and it is happening at an alarming rate. Girls as young as thirteen are becoming confused and afraid as they find more strands of hair in their brush, on their pillow, in the shower and lying all over the floor. At the same time they are also noticing that there is less on their head.

Looking good and fitting in is especially important for teenage girls. Excessive shedding with a noticeable decrease in volume can be a devastating and scary experience, especially since it isn't something they ever expected. After all, who ever heard of teenage girls losing their hair for no apparent reason? Until recently it was almost unheard of.

There are several reasons for this sudden increase in teenage hair disorders. Some of the most common causes are as follows:


Hormonal changes are a common cause of hair loss in teens and adults. From the onset of puberty throughout the teenage years, girls experience dramatic hormonal fluctuations. During this time the body needs extra support. Good nutrition, vitamin supplementation, exercise, adequate sleep and ample relaxation will help ease a girl through these hormonal changes.

Teens are known to have bad eating and sleeping habits. They often prefer to spend their time socializing on the computer, leaving little if any time for fresh air and exercise. These bad habits wreak havoc on the hormonal system resulting in hormonal imbalances that can affect the entire system. These imbalances can disrupt the hair growth cycle, causing unhealthy hair growth, thinning and excessive shedding.


Birth control pills are often started during teenage years, creating even more hormonal changes that can affect the hair. This side effect does not happen to every girl who uses the pill. A person will not know how they will be affected until the medication has been in the system for several months.


Many teens are self-conscious about their body and will go to extreme measures to fit into size zero jeans. Extreme dieting including anorexia and bulimia are common causes of unhealthy hair growth and excessive shedding among girls.


In order to control embarrassing acne, teens are often prescribed oral retinol-based acne medication. This is a very potent prescription medication. Oral acne medications can affect hair growth in several ways. By reducing the size of the sebaceous glands, less sebum is produced. Without adequate sebum, hair becomes dry, fragile, weak and more likely to fall out or break off. This medication can also cause several nutritional imbalances that can lead to shedding, thinning or breakage.

Because of the potential side effects, teen girls using this type of medication are required to be on birth control before, during and after the course of treatment-making the possibility of hair loss even greater.


Any medication can cause hair loss, breakage and undesirable texture changes even if it is not listed as a symptom. If the teen is on medication it could be the cause of any changes in her hair.


Hair loss has been reported as a possible result of immunizations. Most reported cases involve female patients.


Pulling hair back in tight styles which is often required for cheerleaders, dance team members, etc. causes sustained pressure on the scalp and follicles. This traction can loosen the hairs from its follicular roots and cause the hair to fall out. Prolonged traction can eventually cause permanent hair loss. Girls who are required to wear these tight hair styles for competition should wear hair loosely the rest of the time and massage affected areas to restore blood circulation.

These are only a few of the many possible causes of hair loss in teenage girls. The hair growth cycle is very sensitive to changes or disturbances, so there could be many possible contributing factors.

Most of these conditions involving teenage girls can usually be improved or reversed once the problem is identified and addressed. Using natural methods such as scalp massage and aromatherapy treatments can stimulate hair growth and minimize hair loss in teenage girls.

More information on TEENAGE HAIR LOSS is available here. Teenage hair loss must be taken seriously. Learn about the types, causes and most effective treatments.

See UNDERSTANDING FEMALE HAIR LOSS to learn more about how female hair loss can be reversed or improved in many cases.

Understand Hair Loss - Myth Vs Fact, Get the Facts Before You Act! more

Common Myth #1, Hats Cause hair loss.
In fact hats do not cause hair loss. Rather, hats are often used to cosmetically cover the problem. Actually, the most common form of hair loss, androgenetic alopecia (AGA) has been demonstrated to result from a genetic susceptibility of certain hair follicles within a well-defined pattern on the scalp to specific hormonal triggers. Once the process starts, the hair thins. The disease is named what it is because hair within the affected zone- or pattern, progressively thins to the point of baldness, whereas hair outside the pattern remains largely unaffected.

Common Myth #2, Hair loss is caused by restricted circulation to the scalp.
In fact it has been compellingly, repeatedly, and conclusively demonstrated that scalp circulation remains intact irrespective of the vitality of the embedded hair follicles. The problem of pattern hair loss is mediated by circulating hormones, not circulating blood.Nevertheless, many purported treatment remedies claim to address the problem and even reverse it by increasing the flow of blood to the scalp and follicles. Most deceptively, such products may show, as a "before picture" the bald scalp of a person suffering from from alopecia areata--a disease wholly unrelated to common pattern hair loss. Then, in the "after picture" the same person is shown, but now with a miraculously thickened head of hair. The inference is that the product being offered for sale has somehow stimulated the scalp to sprout renewed hair growth. Unfortunately, such claims are categorically without merit for many reasons. First and foremost among these is that alopecia areata waxes and wanes, indepedent of any purported miracle hair growth elixer that may have been applied.

Common Myth #3, Poor nutrition causes hair loss.
In fact if this were the case then almost every homeless person would be bald. Instead, many poorly nourished homeless people sprout impressive heads of hair despite years of alcohol abuse, drug addiction and shockingly poor diet. Are we to infer that homelessness is therefore a cure for hair loss? Of course not! But by the same token, neither should we infer that nutrition is usually a major contributing factor in causing hair loss.Common pattern hair loss is caused by three things, genetics, circulating hormones, and age. Genetics gives us genes that render our scalp hair susceptible. Circulating hormones trigger the onset and progression of the disease. And age causes the disorder to manifest. In other words, nine year old children, even those genetically susceptible to pattern hair loss, do usually not suffer from the problem until they reach adulthood.

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Hair Loss - Myth Vs Fact, Get the Facts Before You Act!

Go through Diabetes Hair Loss - Causes and Symptoms additional

Living with diabetes can be hard if you don't know the many effects it has on your body and how to deal with them. One of the many effects of diabetes, and one that is known for a long time, is hair loss. Since diabetes is a hormonal related disorder, it can also lead to the thinning of the hair. Diabetes loss hair is even considered as one of the early signs of the illness.

To know what diabetes hair loss is, let's first understand diabetes more. It is a condition where the body is not able to metabolize carbohydrates - specifically sugar - effectively. Diabetes can lead to other illnesses that affect the skin. Since the head is part of the skin, diabetes can impede the growth of hair or heal damaged one.

When a person suffers from diabetes, it makes that person prone to other illnesses and infections. This makes it a worrying problem in terms of the overall health of the body. Infection may affect the skin and scalp, which will cause hair loss - especially it the infection is caused by fungus. An example of this would be the fungus that is known as ring worm or tinea capitus.

A stunt of hair growth is quite apparent in diabetes hair loss. However, the loss of hair may not be the direct effect of the illness itself, but it may be due to the many medications that are used to control and heal diabetes. The extent of the hair loss will depend on the general fitness and health of a person, as well as how the body response to such diverse medications. Also, you do not want to undermine how stress that is caused by diabetes, can also worsen the diabetes hair loss.

As the diabetes progresses, the body may become autoimmune. This could lead to the over production of self-defense system in the body, which could then easily backfire. When this happens, it may cause more patches of baldness on the head.

How would you know if you are suffering from diabetes hair loss? The normal person shed around 60 to 100 strands of hair daily. If you lose more hair than that and have diabetes, it should be the initial point of concern and you may want to immediately contact your doctor. Because the sooner you can detect the condition, the more chance you have to overcome it.

Hair Loss Causes

Jessica Tanady loves to write articles since 4 years ago, both offline and online. While she's keen on topics of beauty, fitness and weight loss, she has demonstrated her writing skills on a wide array of topics. Visit her latest articles on Panasonic bathroom fan [http://www.panasonicbathroomfan.net] which reviews and discuss about kitchen exhaust fans [http://www.panasonicbathroomfan.net/kitchen-exhaust-fans.html].

Diabetes Hair Loss - Causes and Symptoms

Understand Hair Loss - The 5 Main Causes Other Than Genetic Reason additional

Hair Loss Causes

Most people think that hair loss is a genetic condition. This is, perhaps, the most widely-accepted reason for losing hair. But the truth is, a parent's genes are just one of the many factors that could cause the loss of hair. There are many other factors that could attribute to hair loss:

1. Hormonal Imbalance

The level of hormones (especially in a woman's body) could play a great role on whether or not an individual would experience hair loss. Many women have noticed that hair loss ensues at about three months after giving birth. The level of hormones for pregnant women could be so high that the hairs that would normally fall out are retained. This, however, would result into a massive hair loss when the hormone levels decrease after giving birth.

2. Chemotherapy

Cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy have to use drugs that are specifically designed to attack both the good and bad cells. When this happens, all types of cells (including cells on hair follicles and roots) are subjected to the same level of attack as the deadly cancer cells. This results in hair loss on the patient's scalp and even on the underarm, leg, and pubic areas. Chemotherapy is so strong that even eyebrows and eyelashes would fall out.

Currently, there is no treatment for hair loss caused by chemotherapy. Most people believe that they could slow down the process of hair loss if they place an ice pack on the affected scalp. This might be able to help but most people also feel much discomfort while placing an ice pack on their scalp. Besides, too much cold applied to the scalp could result into cancer on that region.

It could take a month or more after the last chemotherapy session before the hair fall stops. This condition could range from rapid hair loss to gradual hair fall, and this is depending on the present condition of the patient.

3. Lack of Biotin

Biotin is an essential element for hair growth and strength. On the absence of this element, the body hairs weaken and gradually would fall off. The only way to cure hair loss on this condition would be to take biotin once more. Biotin could be taken as a food or dietary supplement. If you would want to stock up on biotin, better start eating liver and egg yolks (two types of food that have high biotin content).

4. Infection

Having dandruff can be a cause of hair loss. When this condition is prolonged, the hair follicles and the scalp are weakened by the fungi that cause this condition. Also, there are certain fungal and bacterial infections that can cause hair loss. Infections such as these are common among children. The treatments include anti-fungal and anti-bacterial medicines.

5. Exposure to Heat & Excessive Hair Pulling

Styling can be fun but when the hair becomes stressed by such an activity, it's time to give it a rest. Hair blowers should not be constantly used as exposure to heat would cause the hair in the scalp to become brittle and eventually fall out. Conditioners and other moisturizers could be used to treat severely damaged hair and, to some degree, falling hair.

Darren is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Hair Loss Treatment Visit site for related topics: "Hair Science" and "5 Effective Hair Loss Solutions"

Hair Loss - The 5 Main Causes Other Than Genetic Reason

Hair Loss Causes

Understand What Are the Causes? Women's Hair Loss much more

What Are the Causes? Women's Hair Loss

Female Hair Loss Causes

Female Hair Loss Causes

It is common and even accepted for men to be bald. So even though it is a common occurrence, numerous men can still feel self conscious about being hairless. So taking this in mind, the way a woman must feel if she starts to lose her hair must be exceedingly disturbing, after all, hair is one of the main things a woman uses to make herself look appealing.

As a woman, if you are feeling you have a lot of hair that is coming out, look to see if there is another more plain cause as to why you may be losing hair, for instance do you frequently tie your hair back tightly? Are you undergoing a lot of stress in your private or work life at present? What is your diet like in the sense you have been eating poor food as of late? While it may not look as if these details are relevant, but they can have an effect with what goes on in your scalp.

On the other hand, you may be going through none of these matters in your life, and you are in fact losing more hair than any of the previously mentioned things warrant for anyways. If that is the case there is a chance that there are hormonal shifts getting you to lose your hair. Here are some things that routinely happen to a woman than can adjust hormones and interfere with hair growing.

The change of life is an arena that quite often effects hair growth. Menopause can badly affect hormones and slow down their production. This is in all likelihood more common than you would think and can effect up to about two thirds of women and leave them with bald patches of some kind in their post menopausal stages. In All Probability one of the most everyday ways this is treated by the medical profession is with HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). Coming is an account of how the hormonal imbalance during change of life can cause hair loss:-

Plainly put, a woman will produce both testosterone and estrogen before menopause. And during this time the estrogen bars the testosterone from being changed and allowed to move around the body, a bit like a roadblock. When the change of life starts, the output of estrogen falls and this can let testosterone to have a bit more of a free reign. Consequently, it is considered this testosterone can turn into DHT which makes hair loss if the scalp is sensitive to it.

Sometimes a woman may have to receive a hysterectomy, and in a way, this is like going through the change of life too, as the end outcome is that there is no estrogen being released to counteract testosterone.

The final big upheaval in a woman which causes massive hormonal shift is maternity, and this can genuinely play tricks with the hair. When a woman gets pregnant there are great numbers of changes that start to take place within the body as you can probably well guess. Through the maternity thin hair can thicken and vice versa, and also hair that was straight can get curly and curly hair can go straight. This is down to the great hormone shifts which take place within a woman when they are pregnant, and for some women after having a baby, their hair is never the same again.

We cover different ways to help prevent womens hair loss [http://howtopreventhairloss.org] on our site howtopreventhairloss.org [http://howtopreventhairloss.org] Hopefully there will be something there that can help you too

Examine Hair Loss - Causes and Remedies more

All of us are constantly losing hair. Hair falls out, and is replaced by new hair growing in its place. We lose between 40 and 120 of the hairs on our head on a daily basis. This sounds like an awful lot of hair to lose, but is in fact a tiny proportion of the 100, 000 or so hairs that the average head has. An individual hair has a growth cycle of between 2 and 6 years, during which time it achieves maturity in terms of size. When the hair stops growing, it begins a period of rest, which can last between 2 and 6 months, after which it falls out. The hair follicle eventually replaces this hair with a new one, and a new growth cycle begins. This article focuses on the hair loss, which is thought to affect 40% of men and women over the age of 35.

What Causes Hair Loss?

95% of all hair loss is thought to be caused by androgenetic alopecia, which is usually referred to as Male Pattern Baldness. Most males experience hair loss at some time in their life - as previously mentioned, around 40% of us will be affected by the age of 35. However, some men get pronounced hair loss from a very early age, and some men show no signs of hair loss until they reach an advanced age. This is because age is only one of the factors which contribute to Male Pattern Baldness. The other factors are genes and hormones. These three factors combine to shrink a number of hair follicles, which has the effect of reducing the growth cycle of the individual hairs. This process eventually results in there being not much in the way of growth. Studies have shown that dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is also one of the major causes of Male Pattern Baldness. DHT is produced by males while they are still in the womb, and is the cause of the male gender characteristics such as a deep voice and facial hair.

Hair Loss Remedies

While it is possible to get a hair replacement graft, this is an expensive option, and may not be realistic for a lot of men. As mentioned above, one of the causes of Male Pattern Baldness is DHT, and there are a number of remedies which claim to reduce the build up of DHT (one way or another). However, as Male Pattern Baldness is a very sensitive issue, there are a lot of unscrupulous manufacturers selling nothing but snake oil. When purchasing a hair loss remedy, it is important to determine that the company in question is highly reputable. Two of the better known hair loss remedies are Provillus and Rogaine. Rogaine can be used in the form of foam, which is massaged into the scalp first thing in the morning and also in the evening. Interestingly, Rogaine is the brand name for Minoxidil, which was originally used as a means of reducing blood pressure. Provillus, on the other hand is administered orally, and is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Provillus blocks the production of the DHT, which is one of the causes of Male Pattern Baldness. Significantly, a lot of the websites selling Provillus offer a money back guarantee. A hair loss remedy has only one means of providing customer satisfaction, so the makers of Provillus must be pretty confident in their product.


As you will have realised, hair loss is a fact of life for all, but for some the effects are accentuated dramatically with Male Pattern Baldness. There are a number of remedies available for this condition, and it is important to research the market to make sure you pick the right one for you.

Hair Loss Causes

If you found that article of interest, please visit [http://www.provillus-facts.com] to learn about one of the newer hair loss remedies on the market.

Hair Loss - Causes and Remedies

Hair Loss Causes

Study Hair Loss Signs and Symptoms a lot more

Yes, it can be said that losing hair is the major symptom of hair loss. But wait; there are different signs and symptoms for different types of hair loss, some of which can be treated. Below is a description of different types of hair loss and the possible diagnosis.

Hair loss is in small patches - If your hair is coming out in small patches, you could be suffering from Alopecia Areata which is an autoimmune disease that is often reversible. Alopecia areata is when the loss of hair occurs in sharply defined areas usually involving the scalp or beard, but at times every hair on the body. If the small patches are red, oily or itchy, you could be suffering from Seborrhea, Lichen, Planus or Ringworm, all conditions that have treatments available to reduce or eliminate the problem.

Gradual hair loss in front area or on top--This is typically called Male Pattern Baldness. Many shampoos and treatments claim to reverse or slow balding. One prescription medicine, called minoxidil, is available, but it's expensive and effective for only one-third of patients. It also comes with a few side-effects.

Other possible causes for hair loss:

Follicular Degeneration: is the gradual destruction of hair follicles by the excessive use of pomades with a hot comb or iron. Thinning usually begins at the crown and then spreads evenly throughout the head. The treatment for this problem is to stop using the pomades, hot combs and irons.

Medicines, Steroids, Chemotherapy: If you are on certain medications or undergoing chemotherapy, your hair loss should be temporary. After your treatment is complete, your hair usually starts to grow back.

Iron or Zinc Deficiency: If your body is deficient in iron or zinc, this could be the cause of your hair loss. Always consult with a medical doctor before taking any supplements.

Thyroid Disease: When your body is in crisis, the hair cells can shut down in order to direct energy elsewhere. There is treatment available for thyroid disease.

Stress: Very stressful situations can cause hair loss. Hormone Change: After childbirth, many women experience hair loss. Typically the loss will stop about 6 months after childbirth.

So, as you can see above, in some situations there is a medical solution for hair loss situations. To determine your hair loss, consult with your medical doctor or dermatologist. All prescriptions for hair loss must be taken while under the care of a doctor so that any side-effects can be monitored.

Hair Loss

Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of The Hair Resources Hair Loss Center located at http://www.hrhairloss.com Visit HR Hair Loss for the latest information on hair loss treatments and preventions. Keep your hair with HR Hair Loss!

Hair Loss Signs and Symptoms

Hair Loss

Go through Female Hair Loss Causes - Why Is Hair Loss In Women Becoming More Common? much more

Most women have insecurities about how they look and what is known as female hair loss is becoming more common every day. Hair thinning and loss in women is often a medical condition, but it also can be genetic. Trauma is another way that the condition can become an issue for a woman.

The most common condition for female loss of hair is known as androgenetic alopecia. This is the form of loss of hair that has genetics as its source. It is being seen more and more and women are reacting to it in different ways. A recent study showed that 2-23% of cases with loss of hair was found in a study of 1,000 that was targeted at women age 20-60. It increased in women from the ages of 60-80.

Regardless of the female hair loss causes, there are plenty of solutions for women available. As much as it is a worrisome condition, it can be treated. But before a doctor will recommend treatment, it is necessary for him to find the condition that caused it. Most doctors will not engage in treatment without a diagnosis first that consist of laboratory tests.

First, it is important to recognize there are three different types of hair thinning and balding conditions. Unlike men, hair loss in women commonly follows three different patterns. (1) Thinning on top of head; (2) thinning and patchy areas; (3) more serious like male pattern baldness.

Because of the different ways women excessive hair thinning, it has to be determined if the underlying condition responsible is medical. Then there is another cause and the loss caused by this condition is called Traction Alopecia. This can be caused when women engage in corn rows and braiding that is too tight which destroys the follicles in the hair.

Another female hair loss cause could be due to Scarring Alopecia, where the hair follicles are scarred through an inflammatory disorder. The treatment for this type of loss is obviously different than the treatment for Traction Alopecia or Androgenic Alopcia.

There are also women who pluck at their hair. This is a condition known as Trichotillomania and is more of a mental condition which would obviously result in treatments by therapists rather than surgeons.

There are more female hair loss causes. Most conditions of hair thinning and loss is treatable once the correct diagnosis is made. The best approach is to get started with finding a doctor or hair specialist for help. You can also browse the net to get informed about the various treatments available. There are more resources in the sites below.

Female Hair Loss Causes
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Female Hair Loss Causes - Why Is Hair Loss In Women Becoming More Common?